Saturday, 5 September 2015

Organic Food – The Pinnacle of Healthy eating

The dilemma at the grocery shop remains the same ever since contamination in fruits, vegetables and grains has become known to one and all. The question is should we settle for the regularly (using chemical pesticides) grown cheaper produce or opt for the organically grown costlier option.

 To understand this all pervading question, it would be better to uncover the difference in the process of growth involved in the two cultivation methods - the difference is soil fertility. In organic cultivation the Nitrogen present in the composted soil is released slowly and hence the crop grows at a normal pace with the nutrients in natural balance. The cultivation involving conventional fertilizers emphasizes fast growth with lesser allocation of energy to the development of nutrients.

 The result is quite evident to all, natural balance is anytime preferable to rapid imbalanced growth. Let us now make way to the cost – benefit analysis to the above.

  The organic foods are without doubt costlier and hence the approach we might apply to balance the impact on our pocket is dividing the produce into categories such as most contaminated, contaminated and least contaminated. The most contaminated category has Apples, Peaches, Strawberries, Grapes, Potatoes, Lettuce, Celery, Spinach, etc. The contaminated category has Cauliflower, Plums, Oranges, Bananas, Cucumbers, Peppers, Beans, Cranberries, etc. The least contaminated has Mangoes, Cabbage, Eggplant, Kiwis, Watermelon, Mushroom, Asparagus, Onions, Avocado, Pineapples, etc.

The most contaminated ones should be preferably taken as organic produce , the contaminated ones should be organic if the budget allows, and the third category is entirely our call.

  See you back soon…until then Healthy eating and Happy eating !

   Organic Food – The Pinnacle of Healthy eating

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